Arts Center manager featured in Katie Couric newsletter

Single Content Sturgis Spring 2023

Simpsonville E-Newsletter: 'Melissa gets (another) fresh start'


Simpsonville, S.C. — Straight from the spring 2023 edition of the City of Simpsonville E-Newsletter, the article Melissa gets another (fresh start) recounts the inclusion of Simpsonville Arts Center Manager Melissa Sturgis's submission to the Wake-Up Call newsletter by Katie Couric (the former longtime cohost of the Today show, that is). Getting the Arts Center manager position showed Sturgis yet again that we can always have another fresh start.

Check out the story by selecting the .pdf version under Supporting Documents or viewing the online version under Web Links. The full 2023 edition of the City of Simpsonville E-Newsletter is also available as a .pdf and online.


Simpsonville Arts Center Manager Melissa Sturgis was featured in Katie Couric's Wake-Up Call newsletter | Ghost Marketing