Simpsonville Simply Beautiful Cleanup Day

Simply Beautiful Cleanup Day 22 webpage


Volunteer for the Simpsonville citywide litter cleanup by completing the following form:

Cleanup Day '22 Volunteer Form


Simpsonville Simply Beautiful Cleanup Day

  • Citywide litter cleanup made possible by volunteers
  • April 23rd at 9 - 11:30 a.m.
  • Meet at The Shed at 105 Park Drive (across from City Park)
  • Litter pickup gear will be provided
  • Designated "litter" zones to be assigned


The City of Simpsonville is holding a citywide cleanup day on April 23rd following Earth Day. In partnership with Palmetto Pride, Simpsonville Public Works, Simpsonville Parks & Rec and Greenville County, community members will fan out to remove trash and garbage from designated "litter zones," or areas with high concentrations of garbage and trash.


Volunteers will meet in the morning at The Shed on Park Drive and can park in the City Park parking lot. After signing a waiver, volunteers will be given litter pickup gear, pickup area assignments and instructions. Volunteers can pick up litter for as long or as little as they like.